Sunday, January 27, 2008

iPhoto fun

Hopkins Nature leaf
Originally uploaded by crr29061
i really like the effects iPhoto had on this image.

pine cone

Hopkins Nature pine cone
Originally uploaded by crr29061
Since it was so pretty today, I decided to go out into the yard and take some photos. I particularly like how this one turned out. I played around with iPhoto and made some adjustments with the features and think this turned out nicely :-)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

trying to find a place

Lately I haven't been taking as many photos as I have in the past. I guess I'm really struggling with trying to find exactly what I want to concentrate on.  What subject should I work with? Which camera should I use? B&W or Color? Film or Digital?  I'm not sure why I've hit this little slump but I hope that I can soon find some inspiration...  I think that because our locally-owned photography store closed this past summer I have felt as though I don't have anywhere to go to get film developed or get enlargements made...  It's kind of frustrating. Oh well, maybe something will inspire me soon.  I need an image muse!